Monday, September 2, 2019

Tango and drugs: snow between its verses

Translation from Revista Ñ (Clarín), with media research by Luigi Seta


Throughout the 20s, the use of cocaine is reflected in tango, being this a topic maybe little known outside of the Rio de la Plata. Drugs at the time (and its addiction) where almost the exclusive field of the “Niños Bien” ("rich kids", sons of the oligarchs, livestocks ranchers and the related upper middle class) that fueled for the exorbitant surplus of their families, went to Paris to study, discovered the ascendent tango, to then comeback and mix the dance with their unprejudiced habits.  Let’s take a look at how tango transpired this... LS.

The night as territory of excesses also rhymed sometimes with tango. The link between tango and cocaine is a veiled relationship. In the murmur of the tango world, it is said, it is suspected, but nobody puts the matter down in black and white. Now, why is the question not asked in other environments, such as cinema industry, horse races, or medicine?
The cabaret in the 1920s
Cocaine has more than one expression in the Lunfardo jargon (merlusa, chabona, camerusa, falopa, etc.). One of them, the best known in our country and in those years, is the word “merca”. There are two hypotheses about its origin: the first is the writing by Oscar Conde, a member of the Buenos Aires Lunfardo Academy and author of several books on the subject. He argues that "merca" is a apocopated form of "merchandise." The other version is the one that maintains that it is a derivative of the American laboratory "Merck", at the same time the last name of the owner of the company.

The lunfardo word "merca" derived from "Merck"
In the 20s, when tango splendor began, the use of cocaine was banned. Actually in 1919, with Mr. Hipolito Yrigoyen as president, only pharmacies and drug stores could import opium, morphine, hemp and cocaine; but nobody paid attention to him. In that same decade, before and after its definitive ban, cocaine, morphine and opium were a recurring habit.

In the magazines of the time, the use of drugs was a motive for journalistic notes. In Caras y Caretas, (faces and masks, an immensely popular topical magazine of the time), it is denounced that the drug is expanded and that it is easily achieved: "It goes without saying that the cabarets are the indicated centers for the trade of this kind of “joys”".

The cabaret, where drugs were distributed, was one of the tango’s environment. Cannot be found anywhere who consumed, although there was no persecution and the use of cocaine was not a public issue for authorities. However, throughout the 20s, the use of drugs is reflected in the lyrics of the tango canción.

The song where this is most eloquently presented is "Los Dopados" (the doped), with lyrics by Raúl Doblas and Alberto Weisbach and music by Juan Carlos Cobián (later it will be "Los Mareados", with lyrics by Enrique Cadícamo). Before being a tango, it was a sainete (popular opera piece, consisting in a one-act dramatic vignette, with tango music) written by Weisbach where the subject was drug use.

The action of the "Los Dopados" sainete transcurre in a cabaret, where the high society “boys” get their grams and in the background, drama is developed over an excess of stimulants that translates into an atmosphere of sneer and violence.

Javier and Geraldine dancing to "Los Mareados" (Los Dopados)
Maestro Pugliese instrumental version
Please note how the dancers interpreted the drama

The following are tangos, among others, where these type of lyrics are heard

"El Taita del Arrabal" (the outskirts goon) by Manuel Romero, 1922: "Poor goon, many nights, fully doped with morphine, sleeping in a corner, under a cop’s vigilance."

"Milonga Fina" (flapper girl) by Celedonio Flores, 1924: "You declared yourself as flapper girl when you left the barrio with that little-clever guy, who fool you with cocaine and took you to Armenonville (the most famous and upscale cabaret in the 20s).

 "Griseta" (factory girl, tango explanation on the precedent link) by J. González Castillo, 1924: "And one night of champagne and snow, at the funeral's whisper of a bandoneon, poor dear, she felt asleep...". 

"Fanfarrón" (braggart) by E. Cadícamo, 1928: "Those are lies... pure fantasy, that you dope with cocaine and when being bored you “go for a walk” in a Citroén".

All these verses are from the Roaring Twenties in Buenos Aires. The tango canción is incorporated into that cloud of foreignness and consumption... of a walk on Florida Street and of love affairs in the downtown's Madame houses.

Modernity at this time becomes unbearable for those who foreshadow an entourage from the previous times. For others: the young people of a restless and quarrelsome middle class, with clenched teeth and glassy eyes, modernity is the fun of the cabaret with its ritual. What followed.. it remained silent.

Perfume based on cocaine - 1930s

In the cluster of conjectures, it was said that, from the 40s onwards, the mountains of the Córdoba province were the most suitable place to cure addiction. Beyond the rumors, what is true is that the relationship of tango with coke and heroine has been a matter since the late 1880s. 

Tango and tanguer@s are little to nothing interested in that.

Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Los Carnavales Bailables / The Carnival Dancings

Hola, los invito a un interesante viaje de investigación y descubrimiento del tango... / Hi, I invite you to an interesting journey of tango research and discovery…

En el Archivo de Internet encontré esta foto sin ninguna etiqueta, pero, por supuesto, podemos ver  al Maestro Juan D'Arienzo tocando con su orquesta, sin créditos ni comentarios.

Internet Archive ® 

On the Internet Archive I found this photo without any label, but of course depicting Maestro Juan D'Arienzo playing with his orchestra, without any credits or comments.

Entonces, decidido, quise hacer el ejercicio de querer descubrir dónde se tomó la foto y tambien adivinar el año. ¿Y…  qué tango se tocó también?

So, determined, I went to the exercise of discovering where the picture was taken and guess about the year. What tango was played also?

Descubrir el año fue fácil, porque en el verano de 1940, en los meses previos al los Carnavales, el pianista de la orquesta, Juan Polito, lideró una rebelión y se llevó a todos los músicos, incluido el cantante Alberto Echagüe, en pos de contratos más suculentos en los carnavales que se aproximaban.

The year was the easy part, because in the summer of 1940, on the months previous to the “Carnavales” the orchestra’s pianist, Juan Polito, led a rebellion and took all the musicians with him, including singer Alberto Echague, following succulent contracts for the upcoming carnivals.

En la foto vemos a un joven D’Arienzo y sus músicos en impecables trajes blancos (señal de un verano tórrido, recordemos que no había disponible aire acondicionado en esos días), así que realmente eran en los bailes de carnaval. Y lo podemos decir al ver los disfraces que se muestran en la parte inferior de la imagen, pero no en 1940, ya que D’Arienzo creó su completamente nueva orquesta en abril de ese año, con la ayuda de Héctor Varela (sí, el mismo Varela de la luego famosa orquesta, el cual fue un gran amigo de El Maestro).

On the photo we are seeing a young D’Arienzo and his musicians in impecable white suits (signal of a torrid summer, remember no air conditioned was available on those days), so it was really at the carnival dances. We can say that, because the costumes shown on the lower portion of the picture, but not of 1940 since he created a whole new band by April of that year, with the help of Héctor Varela (yes, the same Varela of the later quite famous orchestra, which was a great friend of El Maestro).

But, what is the place? / Pero, ¿cuál es el lugar?

El lugar no es tan difícil, porque todos los porteños estamos familiarizados con el Luna Park, donde la Avenida Corrientes comienza, en la esquina de la calle Bouchard, cerca del puerto. El Luna Park es aquel mítico estadio, donde muchos ídolos del boxeo atrajeron a multitudes, comparable solo al Madison Square Garden de Nueva York.

The place is not that hard, because we all porteños are familiar with the Luna Park, where the Avenida Corrientes starts at the corner of Bouchard St, in the vicinity to the port (today Puerto Madero). Luna Park is a mythical stadium, were many boxing idols attracted multitudes, only comparable to the New York’s Madison Square Garden.

Se pueden ver tribunas a la izquierda, pero definitivamente no es un estadio de fútbol, ​​porque a diferencia de Europa, los campos de juego de Argentina tienen un alambrado perimetral para separar al público de los jugadores. Se organizaron muchos bailes de carnaval en los campos de fútbol, ​​que congregaron a más de 20,000 asistentes por noche, como ejemplos me remito a los bailes de los clubes San Lorenzo de Almagro, Ferrocarril Oeste, Independiente y muchos otros.

You can see the bleaches to the left, but definitely  is not a football stadium, because unlike Europe, Argentina fields have a perimetral security wiring to separate the public from the players. Many carnival dances were organized on the soccer fields, congregating more than 20,000 party goers, good examples are the clubs San Lorenzo de Almagro, Ferrocarril Oeste, Independiente and many others).
What tango is being played? / ¿Qué tango se está tocando?

No es difícil... por supuesto, La Cumparista, por varias razones, primero porque  a pedido del público fue siempre el último tango de la orquesta y los bailarines dejan de bailar para escuchar mejor y disfrutar la frutilla del postre. Y no se ven miles de personas, porque es seguro de madrugada, como las  3 o 4 de la mañana. Más sobre La Cumparsita, aquí.

Not difficult... of course La Cumparista, for various reasons, first, it was always the last tango of the orchestra by popular clamor and the dancers always stopped dancing for better listening and enjoyment, the real icing on the cake. Also, you don't see thousands of people, because was for sure an early morning, 3 to 4 AM. More about the Cumparsita here.

El otro detalle es que podemos ver adelante el impecable solo del primer violín de la orquesta, Cayetano Puglisi, quien se integró en abril de 1940, en la famosa variación del final del tango.

The other detail is that we can see the on the front the impeccable solo of the first violin of the orchestra, Cayetano Puglisi, which started on April 1940, in the famous variation of the end of the tango.

Como pueden ver, el tango no es solo su música o sus pasos, sino que también es una mezcla de pasión, sufrimiento, traiciones y también, tal vez con menos frecuencia, de alegría. Eso lo llamamos "tangueidad".

La Cumparsita - Famous version of 1951

As you can see, tango is not only its music or its tango steps, si also filled with a mix of passion, hardness, betrayals and also less frequently, joy. It is called “tangueidad”.